Rush Sturges is an acclaimed adventure filmmaker and professional whitewater kayaker. Rush has spent equal time in front of and behind the camera, directing and producing projects like “The River Runner” (available on Netflix)...
The acclaimed cinematographer behind River Roots Productions, Matt Baker is a master at getting the shot. He’s constantly searching for innovative ways of capturing stories and has built an impressive, diverse body of work...
Skip has worked in film for over 15 years as a Director, Director of Photography, and aerial DP. Skip is the consummate perfectionist and prides himself on environmental adaptability, good humored fun, and above...
Darby McAdams is an accomplished filmmaker and kayaker from western Montana. Her drive in competitive kayaking and experience in expedition paddling has carried over into her approach to production. She has contributed to several award-winning...
Aidan Haley is a sought-after film editor with over a decade of diverse experience in feature films, commercial film, and documentary production. His career has taken him around the world, from major cities like Paris...
Paul Robert Wolf Wilson is a Klamath & Modoc photographer, based in his ancestral homelands of Southern Oregon and Northern California. His work is focused on the connections between human beings and the lands they...
Having grown up with the Arctic Ocean for a backyard, Sarah is no stranger to the cold. She is the youngest person to ever travel to both the North and South Poles, and is the...
Driven by an innate love of adventure, Erik Boomer has established himself as one of the most accomplished whitewater kayakers of his generation. He is renowned for his willingness to seek out the most hostile...
Ben Ayers is a climber, writer, documentary film maker, and humanitarian based in Kathmandu, Nepal. He started his career studying (and carrying loads with) Nepal's mountain porters, eventually starting the advocacy organization Porters' Progress that...
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A classically trained composer, Cyrus holds a Master of Arts from London's Royal Academy of Music. At the heart of his sound is the orchestra, most recently working with the Philharmonia Orchestra at historic Abbey...
Sturgefilm founder Ben ‘Sturge’ Sturgulewski grew up on a rugged and remote island in Alaska’s Aleutian Chain, inspiring a life dedicated to the exploration of the world’s wild side, and the people who call it...
I’ve been lucky enough to take photos professionally for 15 years. I’m grateful to have been able to travel the globe, chasing light and the human story with my camera. I began my career 1...